Monday, September 12, 2016

18 Small Changes To Make Moving House Easier

1. Make some dinners in bulk and freeze them.

The first thing to go to shit when you’re moving house is your diet. You’ll be stressed, short on time and money, and with dwindling utensils as you pack away your kitchen. If you can, make a giant lasagne/stew/whatever you like and freeze it in portions. It’ll feel so much better than ordering yet another takeaway while you bubble wrap the stereo. You can pick up some ideas here.

2. Don’t pack up your fridge last.

Here is a tip that may seem obvious, but which I ignored the last time I moved. In a whirl of efficiency, I packed up all my dry goods, condiments and sauces with a week to go. That meant that I had to put up with some very dry and plain meals or risk opening up all the boxes to find the soy sauce.

3. Leave out clean sheets and towels.

Change your sheets before you start packing, and leave out another clean set for when you move in. When you’re exhausted and falling into bed, it’s such a treat to have clean linen – both when you’re packing in the old place, and unpacking in the new one.