Friday, January 20, 2017

The Crucial Responsibility: Stepping Up To Serve On The Board Of Trustees

As the community’s primary source of guidance and leadership, a condo association’s board of trustees carries a great deal of responsibility. The board must learn how to deal with complaints from residents, enforce the association’s rules, work with third party companies like Boston condominium management  and continuously work to improve the association as a whole. To be effective, the members of this board must be willing to dedicate both their time and energy to the betterment of their community on a daily basis.

Because of its demanding nature, running for a position on the condo association’s board is not to be taken lightly by any resident. However, stepping up to serve the community in this way can also be rewarding. Members of the board are highly involved in the association’s day-to-day activities. Unlike other residents, board members have unique influence over the way the community operates, and they have the power necessary to make a positive difference in their surroundings.

Why Some Residents Won’t (or Shouldn’t) Run for the Board

mediate management companyUnfortunately, many residents avoid running for the condo board even when they believe that they would be good at the job. Participating in board meetings and other activities requires dedication, and few people are willing to give up their free time in favor of extra work. Many residents also avoid the condo board because they are afraid to take on the responsibility that comes with a position of leadership. Furthermore, dealing with complaints from residents can be aggravating, and enforcing association rules has the potential to affect the reputations and social lives of the board members involved.

Perhaps more upsetting is the fact that some residents who do lobby for a position on the board of trustees are doing so for the wrong reasons. For example, the resident who lives beneath a rambunctious neighbor may be tempted to run for the board simply so he can enforce stricter noise regulations. This individual doesn’t care about the good of the community; he is only concerned with his own agenda. Once he has accomplished his goal, he will “coast” until his term is complete. Such an individual is not an asset to any board of trustees.

When Residents Should Run

In spite of the potential drawbacks, residents who do favor the greater good of the community should still consider running for the board of trustees. Without a strong board, maintenance suffers, regulations are ignored and communities lose their cohesiveness over time. Although it may not be the most popular position, someone still has to fill it.

The best board members are those residents who aren’t afraid to appropriately express their opinions and take a stand. Board members should also be ambitious, strongly dedicated to the continuous improvement of the community and unafraid of hard work. Finally, any resident considering running for the condo board should make sure that he or she has the time required to fulfill all of the duties that accompany the position.

The post The Crucial Responsibility: Stepping Up To Serve On The Board Of Trustees appeared first on Mediate Management Company.

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